What will you relinquish?

What will you relinquish?

I hope you're well. We have almost arrived at autumn and the question I am brooding upon is this: What have I successfully cultivated this year and what has withered and died on the vine and now needs to be relinquished?

Autumn is the perfect time of year to contemplate how our lives have unfolded throughout the year, before we move into the final four months of 2023.

This year has been one of the most challenging years I've faced in decades. Due in no small part to the year long incorporation after my Wilderness Vigil that took place in August of last year. I am in the final stages of a ceremony that will echo on throughout my life. Presently I'm engaged in casting off all that needs to go, before embarking on the next stage of my story.

In honour of autumn, my classes and workshops will focus on the changing focus of the seasons and what we are harvesting and relinquishing so we are ready for the next stage of our journey.

Those of you who have worked with me understand my commitment to aid you; I am here if you need me via email or in 1:1 consultation and in the following autumn season of workshops and classes.

Your ancestors strived and survived across Millenia to ensure their lineage would continue to play its part in the tale of the human species. You are a miracle. The truth you hold within your heart is forever attempting to unfold, yet the power of our stories are often occluded by pain and suffering and the impact of exisiting within systems that attempt to disempower and negate the highest aspirations of our imagination and true will.

Sacred Magic and the two fold path offers us a methodology through which we can explore the wonder and beauty of our existence, in collaboration with the sacred and divine.

"This is the aim of sacred magic; it is nothing other than to give the freedom to see, to hear, to walk, to live, to follow an ideal and to be truely oneself" - Valentin Tomberg

This weekend of wonder, ritual and storytelling will offer participants full immersion in the wonders and deep truth of Sacred Magic. Through group work, you will explore the essence of your true story and engage in powerful ceremonies and rituals to unlock the inherent gifts that existence has provided to you whilst exploring:

  • Communion with spirit
  • The imaginal as a landscape of truth.
  • The two fold sincerity.
  • Navigating Fate
  • Ritual and ceremony as language
  • Transformation of trauma.
  • The Wilderness as portal to numinous encounters
  • Love as anchor point
  • Punk Magick
  • Ancestral medicine
  • Freedom

Over the last thirty five years of work, John Harrigan's practice has focused on the sacred and divine, engaging in exploration of landscapes of wonder through his work as a writer, filmmaker, artist, magician and ritualist. This weekend workshop will offer participants a deep dive into the development of John's work and the commencement in a new stage in his life as an artist and magician.


“I honestly can’t recommend Sacred Magic enough! John is the real deal. His ability to facilitate ritual is unmatched. I believe that his offerings are of the most authentic and rare variety. Forever changed by my experience at his last Sacred Magic Weekend.” Dr Lucy Coleman Talbot
"Having so far attended two of John Harrigan’s Sacred Magick workshops, I think John has created a unique offering in the realm of self development, utilising his skills as a powerful ritual creator, director, performer and storyteller. He has great story-telling charisma, contagious enthusiasm, and displays a highly dedicated approach towards psycho-spiritual health and individuation. The energy was high. He doesn’t do things by halves, and I greatly admire his ability to stay with a process, encouraging participants to embrace their instincts in the face of the unknown. From these workshops I have developed self knowledge through ritual writing and spontaneous physical ritual-making, seen myself reflected in esoteric stories, practiced meeting people on a very raw and real level, and had the pleasure of energetically holding and being held by others in a creative, magickal space. In the most recent workshop I participated in, the group gelled very quickly, and that we were able to form that trust so quickly is a credit to John’s facilitation skills. Trust is so important for this work, and John makes people aware he is available post-workshop for follow up questions and help. If you get the chance to do his four week written ritual, which he sometimes teaches during the Sacred Magic workshops, my recommendation is to go for it! That practice in particular has the power to change life in positive, profound, and uncanny ways."~Steph K.
"When I was training to become a Dramatherapist and as a result becoming whatever it is that is still weaving in the world, I experienced myth, ritual and role from the place of being in the moment, as well as a trainee part watching too, making notes. To be fully immersed in ritial however, is a thing of such reverance, that's its almost beyond words. I had known of the work of John Harrigan through people I knew and I saw with delight his bringing together of ritual and theatre, which which was way before my training even began. I kept it in mind to train with him at some point. A few weeks ago, me and others gathered and were led through the most profound witnessing and ritual work I have ever experienced, and I was brought up a Catholic! The power of being witnessed, in my absolute pain of aloneness and being fully validated was unbelievable. Imagine you're a therapist and you are without family and close relationships, how difficult it could be to admit the aloneness, because sometimes as a therapist you are expected to be able to do something about it. Not only could I share exactly where I was in the world but this became part of a personal ritual where my story was held by John and the group. It felt like years of talking therapy happened in a weekend, but in this distanced, safe way through which I was able to express years of suffering. I am profoundly moved by my experience and so thankful to have met my group and to have worked with an incredible teacher, who is fully human and understands the systems and constructs that can prevent our healing. I also want to mention his name and work because I believe we should big up the people who help us and it was due to people talking about him years ago that I was able to find his work. You may want to join his meditation in a lavender field, (which is incredible!), or join his workshop or contact him about running workshops." - Susan Jackson - Dramatherapist and Counsellor on her experience of attending the last Sacred Magic Weekend Workshop.


Saturday the 30th of September and Sunday 1st of October - Hitchin, Hertfordshire. Thirty minutes outside of London. Direct line from London Kings Cross.

The Sacred Magic workshop standard rate is £200 inc. VAT per person, though discounts are available:

  • Book two spaces and the third is free.
  • (Alumni: a discount of 30% is available to participants who have previously attended)

Autumn Equinox Meditation and Storytelling Walk

Traditionally, the Autumn Equinox serves as a symbolic crossroads, a time to honour both the literal and metaphorical harvest. Just as farmers reap what they have sown in the fields, you too are invited to gather the fruits of the goals and intentions you planted at the dawn of the year. The autumn equinox marks a moment to reflect on how these seeds have blossomed, evolved, or grown. Yet, it's also a period for contemplation and discernment, an opportunity to recognise what no longer nurtures your life's path. During the Autumn Equinox, we ask ourselves what needs to be released, and what must be allowed to wither, making way for new growth and renewal. It's a time of balance, reflection, and embracing the wisdom of letting go.

Join us for a special celebration during this transitional season. Engage in an outdoor meditation and storytelling walk, taking place along the St Michael line in Ickleford, Hertfordshire.

As we immerse ourselves in the natural world, we'll explore how the story the landscape shares with us can offer healing and perspective in our own life journey.

The afternoon will culminate in a powerful outdoor meditation workshop at sunset to mark this season of introspection and transformation. This meditation experience will offer a space for you to find peace and equilibrium, aiding you in reconnecting with the themes of renewal and rebirth in the natural world.

John Harrigan, a writer, storyteller, and teacher, will guide you through this enriching experience. He is the founder of the award-winning ritual art group, FoolishPeople.

Date: Saturday, the 23rd of September, 6pm to 7:30pm

Cost: £18 per participant - Spaces are limited.

Full Blue Moon Meditation Workshop

Our final summer Full Moon Meditation and Storytelling workshop. Places are being booked fast and we’re down to our final places. Please book soon if you’d like to experience the full blue moon on the 30th of August in the beautiful landscape at Hitchin Lavender.

“We attended the full moon meditation workshop and it was absolutely incredible. we will be attending more as it was just a great experience surrounded by such wonderful people. John is one of a kind!” Lauren Barrett

Saturday Morning Meditation Class - Only Two Dates Remain.

The final two classes for the Saturday Morning mediation classes at Hitchin Lavender take place on the 2nd and 9th of September for the 2023 season.

Thank you to everyone who has joined me this year.

Bright Blessings to you all.

John Harrigan