A River Runs Through It
The hottest day of the year. July 21st 2021. I step over the sword my teacher has placed on the ground and enter Dreamtime.

The hottest day of the year. July 21st 2021.
I step over the sword my teacher has placed on the ground and enter Dreamtime.
Warnings state we shouldn't even be out at midday.
I’m in of a group of about thirty, who are all participating in today's medicine walk. I've driven a few other participants to the starting point. We each hold a question in our hearts.
Prayers are offered and we set out.
I head for the summit of the Tor.
It’s suggested we offer water to the landscape as we travel across the landscape of Dartmoor over the next six hours. This seems like a good idea, for every sip, I share a little with the land.
Behind me is a man who’s travelled far to be here, from Israel. He’s on my heels and as is typical, I find myself competing to reach the summit first, when I know there's no first place in a ritual.